The library has an important role as a place that provides facilities for someone who wants to explore and develop knowledge. Libraries also store intangible wealth that is extraordinarily useful for an individual and life in general. Lia Yuliati (a 35 years old woman) is an activist at the Taman Pamekar Sukabumi library, Kabandungan village, Kabandungan sub-district.
Lia Yuliati shared her experience managing the Taman Pamekar library so that she won 1st place in the 2022 Sukabumi Regency Regional Innovation Competition with the theme of improving Public Services which was held on 7-11 November 2022 with the innovation title “Si KIPIN Cinta Halisa (Utilizing Smart Kiosk Applications to educate and improve student achievement at the foot of Mount Halimun Salak).

Lia explained that many efforts has been made to develop interest in reading and the quality of human resources in the community. In addition to standard library services in the form of memberships such as reading and book lending, this library also has excellent services. Among them are mobile library services (sigaling), community creative community services (simaya), internet and computer network facilities for junior high school students’ basic training, study center services (Di Pajar) and Kipin facilities (Smart Kiosks).
With the Kipin facility at the Taman Pamekar Library, all children and visitors can get as many varied learning contents as possible without the need for the internet and for free. This facility is a real form of learning independence that can be enjoyed by all members of the community around the Taman Pamekar Library. Learning content that can be owned by the community includes
5000+ Ministry of Education and Culture Learning Books (various curricula, for all levels of education)
2000+ School Learning Videos
50,000+ Practice Questions
500+ original Kipin Educational Literacy Comics.

The amount of learning content will also increase over time. Of course, the impact and benefits of the Kipin facility at the Taman Pamekar Library became even greater until it was recognized and won 1st place in the 2022 Sukabumi Regency Regional Innovation Competition for the theme of improving public services. Not only the Taman Pamekar library, Kipin can be presented in all public facilities including libraries, village halls, sub-district halls, and so on to support education which is the right of all members of society.
“There are 2 things that make us different today from us in the years to come. The first is the book we read, the second is the people we meet. The books we read shape our mindset. and the people we meet will shape our character. So read a book full of knowledge then grow and meet great people. Through the library we can meet great people and become great people.” – Lia Yuliati, 2022.
Nyimas Nafisa
More info :
Web : http://kipin.id,
email : info@kipin.id,
Wa (chat only): http://wa.me/6281233601047