Digital Learning at SDIT Darul Madinah Wonosari

New Enthusiasm Increases Students’ Reading Interest Digitally at SD IT Darul Madinah Wonosari, Gorontalo

Digital Learning at SDIT Darul Madinah Wonosari School equipment, starting from teachers, employees, to facilities and infrastructure, are important factors for improving the quality of education in…

SDN 2 Way Urang

Pioneering Teachers for Literacy at SDN 2 Way Urang, South Lampung

The teacher as a facilitator must be able to package learning activities that can increase students’ interest in reading or literacy. The learning process must be directed…

The UI Teaching Movement (GUIM) Collaborates with Kipin (Smart Kiosk) to Introduce School Digitalization in Nganjuk Regency – East Java

For the 12th time, the University of Indonesia is carrying out the UI Teaching Movement (Gerakan UI Mengajar or GUIM) activity, a community service program that focuses…

Kipin ABM for Jatim

Digitalization of Learning in East Java is More Advanced and Equal

ABM assistance for SMA and SMK in East Java Education is an important factor to build the golden generation of the nation’s future. Supporting students with qualified…

SD IT Darul Madinah Wonosari

New Enthusiasm Increases Students’ Reading Interest Digitally at SD IT Darul Madinah Wonosari, Gorontalo

SD IT Darul Madinah, Gorontalo School elements, starting from teachers, employees, to facilities and infrastructure, are important factors for improving the quality of education in a school….

Taman Pamekar Library won 1st place in the Sukabumi Regency Regional Innovation Competition for the Public Services Improvement Category

Taman Pamekar Library won 1st place in the Sukabumi Regency Regional Innovation Competition for the Public Services Improvement Category

The library has an important role as a place that provides facilities for someone who wants to explore and develop knowledge. Libraries also store intangible wealth that…

Sertifikat dan Plakat 5 Terbaik Start Up Company pada Kompetisi IdenTIK 2021

KIPIN Selected as the 5 Best Start Up Companies in KOMINFO’s IdenTIK Competition 2021

IdenTIK stands for Indonesia Entrepreneur TIK (Indonesian ICT Entrepreneurs) which is a transformation of the INAICTA and ID.UP programs. IdenTIK is an ICT competition that aims to…

Kipin SDN 1 Budidaya

Students Are No Longer Bored Studying, SDN 2 Budidaya in South Lampung Regency Implements Digital Learning in Schools

Students at SDN 2 Budidaya in South Lampung Regency watch video lessons through the Kipin School Application in their digital learning program. Iwan Sunarya, a teacher at…

Kipin for Madrasah

Madrasahs are Moving Forward with Digital Learning without the Internet

The convenience of digital learning should be enjoyed by all schools, including Madrasah in Indonesia. This is supported by the Ministry of Religion (Kemenag) which has set…