Pioneering Teachers for Literacy at SDN 2 Way Urang, South Lampung

The teacher as a facilitator must be able to package learning activities that can increase students’ interest in reading or literacy. The learning process must be directed so that students are able to obtain information by reading books. Therefore literacy is one of the abilities that must be mastered by students which cannot be separated in the world of education.

With good literacy skills, students will be more active in finding more information, so that it is easier to understand the material presented by the teacher. We can follow the example of Hendriyansyah, S.Pd as one of the teachers at SDN 2 Way Urang who has succeeded in arousing his students’ literacy enthusiasm in a fun way.

Perpustakaan Digital Kipin Perpus SD

SD Library Kipin Digital Library

Hendriyansyah is of the principle that interest in reading needs to be instilled from an early age, because childhood is the right time to instill a habit, and children who already have good reading/literacy habits will carry it over until the child grows up or becomes a parent. However, he was faced with a condition where students’ interest in literacy almost disappeared. Because of that he was determined to find a solution, until finally finding Kipin and maximizing the opportunities that existed by participating in the Perpus Digital SD Kipin program.

Kipin Perpus SD di SDN 2 Way Urang

Kipin SD Library at SDN 2 Way Urang

The Perpus Digital SD Kipin Program is a CSR program from Kipin which aims to increase children’s interest in reading through hundreds of FREE Kipin educational literacy readings which are certainly interesting and educational for children. All of them discuss culture, manners, general knowledge, and health. Dedicated to all schools throughout Indonesia, even to remote areas, because accessing it does not require an internet network at all.

Siswa siswi SDN 2 Way Urang, Lampung Selatan

Students at SDN 2 Way Urang, South Lampung

“The thing that really impressed me while I was a literacy driving teacher at my school was when I saw and accompanied students who were very enthusiastic and excited when they learned to read at Kipin Perpus SD. With the appearance of Kipin Perpus SD which is very adapted to the age of students, and equipped with very interesting comic pictures, students who were previously not fluent in reading are now fluent and enjoying literacy activities.” – Hendriyansyah S.Pd, Teacher at SDN 2 Way Urang

Do you want to have Kipin Perpus SD in your school?

More complete info and registration at:

WA Chat CS Kipin SD Library:

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