Getting the Most of Your Chromebook for Digital Learning and Assessment Without the Internet

sesmen Digital Menggunakan Chromebook di SD Inpress 20 Nuni, Manokwari
Digital Assessment Using Chromebooks at SD Inpress 20 Nuni, Manokwari

Supporting digital learning activities for the advancement of schools in Indonesia. Since 2021 the Ministry of Education and Culture and Research and Technology has provided assistance in the form of more than 284,000 Chromebook laptops for many of these schools throughout Indonesia. However, many people mistakenly think that Chromebook laptops can only be used when connected to the internet. In fact, this is not the case.

Schools can use Kipin Classroom as a digital learning server without internet, which can be accessed using the Chromebook Laptop they get. The absence of an internet connection is no longer a problem, and your Chromebook Laptop can still be used for effective and maximum digital learning.

Kipin Classroom untuk Pembelajaran dan Asesmen Digital tanpa Internet
Kipin Classroom for Digital Learning and Assessment without Internet

Sourced from CNN Indonesia, citing data from the Association of Indonesian Internet Service Providers (APJII), internet service penetration in Indonesia in 2021-2022 will reach 77.02 percent or 210,026,769 people with a total population of 272,682,600 residents. This means that 62,655,831 (rounded up to 62.66 million) are unreachable by the internet.

Where internet penetration from lowest to highest is Papua with 68.03 percent, Bali 68.47 percent, Nusa Tenggara 68.48 percent, Maluku 69.74 percent, Sulawesi 75.05 percent, Sumatra 76.62 percent, Java 78.39 percent, and Kalimantan 79.09 percent.

SDN 154/I Talng Aro mencari sinyal ke Bukit Ceria
SDN 154/I Talang Aro looks for a signal to Bukit Ceria

The journey of the students of SDN Negeri 154/I Talang Aro looking for an internet signal on Ceria Hill

Thus, schools that are in areas where the internet is difficult to access can still take advantage of ICT facilities, namely Chromebook laptops owned by schools by integrating them with Kipin Classroom. There are three functions of Kipin Classroom that support learning activities to assessments at school.

1. Serves as a source of complete learning content

Various types of content ranging from thousands of textbooks according to the curriculum of the Ministry of Education and Culture and Research and Technology, Video Lessons, Practice Questions, and Educational Literacy Readings to support the literacy movement in schools

2. Serves as a digital library server

Schools can complement students’ learning needs, and have an internal library server where schools can upload files both documents and videos to the Kipin server so that all school members can access them.

3. Functions as an offline digital assessment software

Teachers can carry out as many assessments as possible without thinking about costs, and without the need for the internet. Kipin’s assessment software supports AKM (literacy and numeracy), is equipped with thousands of ready-to-use Question Banks, detailed timings, and a variety of exam models that greatly ease the teacher’s burden.

Pembelajaran Digital tanpa Internet Menggunakan Kipin Classroom di SMPN 2 Serawai
Digital Learning without Internet Using Kipin Classroom at SMPN 2 Serawai

SMPN 2 Serawai, West Kalimantan is one of the schools that has applied Kipin with the school’s Chromebook Laptop, so that it has succeeded in implementing digital learning to digital assessment without the internet. Now all students can access thousands of learning content as much as they like, without worrying about the internet network. Teachers can conduct as many assessments as student practice, without worrying about the cost of administering the exam.

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