Supriadi, Actively Participating Teacher at the Batch 1 Guru Penggerak Workshop Gathering at Pidie District, Aceh

Supriadi Bersama Rekan Guru di Acara Temu Karya Guru Penggerak Angkatan 1 Kab. Pidie, AcehSupriadi with his fellow teachers at the Workshop Gathering of Guru Penggerak Batch 1 Kab. Pidie, Aceh

Supriadi is one of the teachers who teaches at SDN TGK Laweung, Pidie District, Aceh. Supriadi joined and was active in self-development following the Batch 1 Guru Penggerak program. At the end of the program, a Workshop was held, namely Workshop Gathering of Guru Penggerak. Initially, the event was planned to be held on July 3, 2021. However, due to the unstable pandemic situation, the event was postponed and only held on September 18, 2021.

Gratefully, the first batch of Guru Penggerak Workshop Gathering was finally able to be held smoothly on September 18, 2021 at the Safira Blang Paseh Hotel for Pidie District, Aceh. Other Workshop Gatherings of Sekolah Penggerak were also held in 7 other Regencies/Cities.

The event was attended by the Regional Head, the Head of the Education Office and related stakeholders as a form of appreciation and to build good communication between the local government and education stakeholders including teachers and education staff. Invited guests at the Workshop Gathering of Guru Penggerak were also attended by approximately 150 invited guests.

Rekan Guru Memperoleh Pengetahuan Mengenai Kipin School 4.0 pada Acara Temu Karya Guru Penggerak Kab.Pidie, Aceh.

Fellow Teachers Gain Knowledge About Kipin School 4.0 at the Workshop Gathering of Guru Penggerak in Pidie District, Aceh.

Supriadi, who has a high dedication to participating in advancing Indonesian education, previously also equipped himself by participating in Digital Teacher training, specifically how to organize learning and teaching activities digitally by utilizing Kipin School 4.0. So that Supriadi can share the knowledge he has at the event. Guests are introduced to Kipin School and can try it directly with the Kipin School 4.0 voucher distributed by Supriadi so that guests can get more experiences and benefits.

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