Digitalization of Learning in East Java is More Advanced and Equal

ABM assistance for SMA and SMK in East Java

Education is an important factor to build the golden generation of the nation’s future. Supporting students with qualified facilities and infrastructure is an obligation that must be fulfilled. Luckily, we are facilitated by technological advances that are getting faster from time to time. Digital learning is one of the solutions to improve the quality of learning in schools so that it becomes effective with maximum results, of course, if it is supported with the right facilities.

The East Java government pays attention to the needs of students by providing ABM (Anjungan Belajar Mandiri or Independent Learning Platforms) assistance in the form of digital learning facilities without the internet called KIPIN or Kiosk Pintar. Until now, around 100+ schools from all over East Java have received ABM assistance so that the quality of education in East Java is of course also getting better from time to time.

Perwakilan 31 Sekolah Penerima Bantuan ABM di Jawa Timur

Representatives of 31 ABM Recipient Schools in East Java

On Monday, December 19, 2022, the handover of ABM and user guide training was held at the East Java Provincial Education Office, located on Jl. Jagir Sidoresmo V, Sidosermo, Kec. Wonocolo, Surabaya. The event was attended by 31 high school and vocational school principals who were schools that received ABM donation. The aid reached many areas such as:

  1. Malang Regency,
  2. Bojonegoro Regency,
  3. Sumenep Regency
  4. Lumajang District
  5. Pasuruan Regency
  6. Madison Regency
  7. Ngawi Regency
  8. Probolinggo Regency
  9. Pakistan District
  10. Magetan Regency
  11. Tulungagung Regency
  12. Trenggalek Regency
  13. Sampang Regency
  14. Bondowoso Regency
  15. Situbondo Regency

Fasilitas Digitalisasi Pembelajaran tanpa Internet

Learning Digitization Facilities without the Internet

thus, the 31 schools can carry out digital learning without the internet which covers the complete needs of learning to assessment including:

  1. Thousands of Complete Learning Content
    There are 5000+ school learning books in accordance with the curriculum of the Ministry of Education and Culture and Research and Technology, including the latest curriculum, namely the Independent Curriculum, 2000+ Learning Videos, 50,000_ Practice Questions, and 500+ Original Kipin Educational Literacy Comics (about science, culture, manners and manners)
  2. School Internal Digital Library
    Schools can upload documents and videos from teachers and schools to the Kipin server so that students can access them without the need for an internet network
  3. Offline Digital Assessment Software
    The teacher’s work will be greatly facilitated by the Offline Digital Assessment software that supports AKM, with various types of questions and exam models, to a detailed automatic score recap system. Teachers can make assessments according to needs.

Bantuan ABM Fasilitas Pembelajaran Digital Kipin (Kios Pintar)

ABM Assistance Kipin Digital Learning Facility (Smart Kiosk)

The handover activities and user guide training went smoothly. All school representatives have received ABM donation and are expected to provide benefits and a major impact on the student learning process so that it can be more effective and maximal in the future. Sooner or later, like it or not, we all have to adapt to existing technological developments. East Java is ready to move forward with better education with KIPIN.

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